We are passionate about saving our resources. That is why we produce our complete collection with less than 1% of waste and thus significantly reduce production waste, where the industry standard is about 20% of material loss, in the cutting process. 

Resources for 30-40 billion garments are wasted annually in cutting process of the designs. By using our zero-waste designs, we reduce these off-cuts of textiles. With our innovative zero-waste patterns we produce our complete collection with less than 1% of waste, where the conventional fashion industry causes approximately 20 % of textile waste in the cutting process.

All of our designs embrace zero-waste principles with a maximum resource efficiency of over 99% and a waste reduction to less than 1%. Next to draping and knitting garments, we created innovative zero-waste patterns, that incorporate curves to ensure an optimal fit on the body. The pattern pieces interlock, so the cutting-room waste, or "off-cuts", are significantly minimised compared to the industry standard of about 20%.

Our zero-waste patterns minimise production waste in the cutting process for the entire collection to less than 1%, while the conventional fashion industry causes around 20% of waste per garment. 

Design is the key to sustainability. That is why the perfect fit and the perfect design is key to our garments. Only garments, that combine a perfect fit, versatility, easy elegance and high-end finish make it to our final collections, because only garments, that are worn over and over again and for a long time can ever be sustainable.

We received the Bundespreis Ecodesign 2017 in the category product for our holistic sustainable concept and especially for the zero-waste pattern innovation.

Just to paint a picture of how little waste we produce: On top of this hat you can see the complete offcut of our 2nd Edition. With this zero-waste approach we are pioneering in the fashion industry to inspire a WasteLessFuture.

a product in numbers 

Our zero-waste pantsuit for example reduces CO2-emissions by over 60%, saves over 97% of fresh water and reduces the land use by more than 87%. To paint a picture: That means for example, the fresh drinking water needs of an adult for 14 years is saved with just one zero-waste pantsuit.

These numbers were calculated by the independent impact measurement lab Made2Flow in 2021 and show, that the zero-waste and holistic sustainability approach has an significant impact compared to conventional fashion production.